Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sexy Dolls,Corsets & Pretty Dishes..

Taking a break today from "CUTE".. awhile back I had bought my daughter some 'Silkstone Barbies' in fancy gift boxes complete with lingerie and a outfit they were fabulous !Even I wanted to play with them!!

Thought maybe I would get her another one for Easter.. so went to my favorite shopping place online.. eBay.. geez, these ultra sexy dolls kept popping up me it's their "FACES' that draw you in .. I was intrigued! Tried bidding on this beauty ..but didn't win her..hope to try another time.. she reminds me of my daughter..

These dolls are so chic and look at that corset! sort of a Preppy with a edge..

Omg! that face is so glamorous.. move over Barbie ,you have competition! well, I went on Yahoo and did a search here is the website if you want to be dazzled >

Not your conservative fashion dress-up dolly..but soo fun..they have rather dramatic bio's and cool clothes ..and did I mention the FACES! duh..

Glamourous and there's that corset again...oh-la-la!!

Really nothing has changed much ...

Another Doll I bid on and.... LOST!

Just love those old doll bodies...beautiful...which brings me to my next subject..

Corsets..they are everywhere [and on alot of blogs too.].. go check out 'Calamity Kim's' blog > she was at a store called 'The Cats Meow' and there they were 'Corsets'.. so fashion, home decor and the dollies you play with...I even saw corset cookies somewhere.. so where's mine?!

Isn't this a beauty!? The color is fabulous!!

Old paper doll in her corset..

Many doll artist [including myself ] have made dolls in corsets, there is just a appeal of the shape and form and something more.. A Nicol Sayre reproduction in a little red corset..>
Dreamy vintage ladies in their pretty corsets...

So sexy and demure at the same time..
I know this really isn't a corset ..but what a pretty doll in her ballet costume ..sort of like a the turn of the century they even had training corsets for young girls..

Even found this quaint bedroom decorated in what else?! Corsets and girdles.. Take a peek at the Pink Cottage blog > hmmm.. I like it.. but my husband would be rolling his eyes..

Eleagant corset gown.. never out of fashion..and all that yummie netting doesn't hurt either..

I have this pattern somewhere...sooo pretty..

A antique cotton doll corset..

A woman's ideal form... a Divine image ...we all hope to be? and many of us need the help of a Angel to get into one!
The corset crosses all fashion catagories..

A saucey doll gown for the Fashion Royalty Dolls

This beauty looks like a piece of sculptural Art was on 'Curious Sofa' >

'Glam Goth Gown'..say that 3 times fast!! Find these at >

This was dare I say 'CUTE?! Ruffles, polka dots,cool shoes and a corset..sorta a 'Shabby Chic-Goth-Glam'.. ha!
I rambled on enough about corsets.. will do some more on them another time, as have oodles of corset pictures new and vintage..

How about these glasses for those crafty girls who love Glitter?! Found them on >

Still on my quest for some 'New Dinnerware' these look great on the wall ..but, Man! Every time you wanna eat you have to pull them off the wall!! Nope, won't work for me..these are 'Room Service 'dishes..
More dishes from 'Room Service', more to my liking. .green or blue, nature theme...but the pitches are white! Should be a brown bark.. so pass...but the layouts were so pretty..
love the little bird nest ...
These are 'Rosie B. Farmer' dinnerware ,'too fem' for my husband to eat off everyday..She use to do clothes... I have a bunch of her dusters, and jumpers in cabbage roses and toile's...'Rosie' make more clothes!!

These pretty dishes below are not for eating off of, just to hang on the wall ..made of a paper composite and at Room Service >

So still looking ...will be nice to get out and see some 'real dishes' ...been cooped up here at home too long. Time to go some where!

Getting antsy for Spring..I love 'Bleeding Hearts' and have them all over the yard..but has anyone ever seen 'silk Bleeding hearts' and where I can buy some??!!


Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Neat stuff....Mary

Shannon (Faith and Chocolate) said...

Wow! Lovely pictures! I had no idea barbie was, so, well, um, dramaticly sexy? Wow, your not kidding about those eyes! Now, why can't my eyes ever look like that? ;)
Thanks for all the sharing!

Unknown said...

I love this post! I have a pin-up site and the dolls in lingerie caught my attention! I received your package for the Vintage Valentine Swap. Thanks for the cute card and extra goodies! I posted them on my site! Happy Easter! Sandy

Anonymous said...

Debra- I just bought a corset pattern to make paper corsets! It is so fresh! I love the pictures in this post- well, your pictures are always gorgeous! I love that white bedroom with the corsets above the bed- so dreamy! The Room Service Home stuff is exquisite! I absolutely want all of the bird and twig and faux bois stuff! I thought I saw some silk bleeding hearts at Micheal's- maybe? I will keep an egg peeled- er, eye open- teehee- Happy Easter Darlin! xxxooo love and stitches, calamity

Anonymous said...

Greetings... Certainly did enjoy viewing the corsets... loved the bedroom with girdles, etc.! What a Hoot! I know this is a bit late, but, did you ever find your silk bleeding hearts? I found some online, but I have not shopped where I found them. At any rate, the site looked very nice... here is the link to their bleeding hearts (they look awesome) Hope that helps some... Take care! Respectfully... Pearl

Lingerie said...

Dolls are really very pretty...

About Me

My photo
Ontonagon, Michigan, United States
Self-taught Artist and Collector of Stuff..grew up a city girl now a Happy Country Grandma! Been married 38 years to a loving Husband,we have the best Daughter & 2 sweet grandchildren..We have 2 fat Cats to keep me company, Rufus B. Wolf & Baby Girl! I have a weakness for vintage Rabbits, old holiday decorations, vintage photos and childrens books, old dolls and stuffed critters, primulas and hostas, old roses, transferware,teapots,old tins, barkcloth and toile,watching movies, staying up late, cozy flannel sheets,perfume.. Coffee or Tea with lots of Real Cream..All types of naughty carbs like pies, cakes and fancy pastries, savory breads.. and now digital scrapping and silver jewelry!