Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Moon,owls and bats.. oh my!

Moons and owls ,even a witch and cats....
Boardwalk print owl and moon..neat..

A great page from a old book, I have it in a frame..but use prints for projects..

oh moon! and another fav pierottes..

Need a Owl stein or perhaps a clock with 2 owls?! well found these on ebay..

Love this old card with the poor hooked mouse..

Another moonface from Boardwalk...

Please check out this delightful blog and join in the Giveaway! Great Gift Giveaways too.. did you notice the 'bats'?

finally a little inspiration.. made up this collage..looks better click on it..

A neat card message.. was one of the things that got me thinking up a Swap about things that fly on Halloween. and this cute one with fairies and green goblins is a fav...and there is that big ol' moon...

A very cool Bat picture,from old book ...I frame for my Halloween decorating...


  1. Thank You Debra for all your fun eye candy!!! I can't get enough!!!

    Always such a treat to come for a visit!


  2. I'm infatuated with that bat print!

    Do you recall which book you found it in?

    Thanks for all the great images you share.

  3. You are beyond kind to share you troves of beautiful images with us! - Amy Bauer
