Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The No Swap Swap - Paper Doll Project!

Hmmm.. been cleaning and creating in my over stuffed workroom last night & today.. then found a hat box full of my Paper Dolls.. so feeling generous .. then had a brainstorm, since a few of you ladies had fun with my angel card!! What if we have a 'No Swap Swap'.. Are you a Paper Girl or Digi Gal?? I have scanned a few 'Paper Doll Parts' for you to Play with.. made up a 'Banner' to post on your blog , just 'Click & Save' the Banner and the Doll Parts..then get creative and Show us what you did...that easy..


FrostingsNSparkles said...

That is just the coolest idea!! Thank you, Debra!! I'll have to save them, my darn printer only prints yellow right now :( Very cute!

Beth Leintz said...

What a fun idea! I've got the images copied, and I'm going to sleep with them under my pillow so I wake up with a great inspiration of what to do! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

"What a fun Post...Love it!!" Debra, come to my blog, You have a Surprise there for you!!! Hope you have a lovely Thursday friend!


Michelle said...

Oh, what a fun idea,I can hardly wait. Must go buy a new ink cartridge tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

I am in. You have such an imagination. I shall play and share!! XOXO Mica

Jenna Z said...

Oooh, I just posted mine! How fun, thank you so much for the lovely dollies!

About Me

My photo
Ontonagon, Michigan, United States
Self-taught Artist and Collector of Stuff..grew up a city girl now a Happy Country Grandma! Been married 38 years to a loving Husband,we have the best Daughter & 2 sweet grandchildren..We have 2 fat Cats to keep me company, Rufus B. Wolf & Baby Girl! I have a weakness for vintage Rabbits, old holiday decorations, vintage photos and childrens books, old dolls and stuffed critters, primulas and hostas, old roses, transferware,teapots,old tins, barkcloth and toile,watching movies, staying up late, cozy flannel sheets,perfume.. Coffee or Tea with lots of Real Cream..All types of naughty carbs like pies, cakes and fancy pastries, savory breads.. and now digital scrapping and silver jewelry!