Friday, June 8, 2007

Night Owl..

Beautiful day here some rain and wild winds, so nice and cool by the window can smell the roses and something sweet....

Hmm.. need to put on my 'Pointy Thinking Cap' while I doodle ideas and have a tall glass of Sangria and change stuff around on the blog..tried adding a graphic title head but sized wrong..can anyone help out with that?? adding more 'Eye Candy' blogs..then will go see everyone else is doing..Good night to surf!

Playing with a few ideas for the 'Bunny Swap' but will wait to see who my partner will be..and drawing out my 'Tiara Swap' for Amanda...


  1. You are sooo cute!!!


  2. I feel your pain on changing up the look on your blog. You are drawing out ideas for my Tiara?!??!! Oh my! This is going to be so much fun. Your bunny swap looks like fun too! Happy creating!
